Our curriculum is focussed on supporting our students to become amazing people, learners, employees and leaders. We do not view our curriculum in isolation. It builds purposely on Key Stage 2 and supports students well beyond age 16 into college, apprenticeships or work. Our teaching makes clear how children can effectively learn, using the skills and thinking of High Performance Learning.

Each subject we offer is taught up to GCSE level, supports our broad and balanced curriculum and is linked to relevant post 16 A levels or BTECs at our partner colleges.


We aim to develop excellent communicators who are able to flourish in a multi-modal world. 

English is studied for 3 hours per week in Year 8, 4 hours per week in Year 7, 9 and 10 and 5 hours per week in Year 11.

Pupils study a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and explore the skills required to analyse and evaluate them, such as, information retrieval and linguistic and structural analysis. English lessons focus significantly on creative writing and adapting writing for different audiences and purposes. Students also study a broad range of texts, including 19th Century Fiction, Shakespeare and an anthology of varied poems. This develops their love of reading and appreciation of the richness of literature.


We aim to produce amazing mathematicians, who are fluent in all aspects of mathematics and to develop critical thinkers who approach problems in a logical and persistent manner.

Maths is fundamental to our understanding of the world and humanity’s place in it. In lessons students learn about number, algebra, ratio, proportion and rates of change , geometry and measures, probability and statistics.

Maths is studied for 3 hours per week in Year 7, 8 and 9, 4 hours per week in Year 11 and five hours per week in Year 10.


We aim to develop learners into the scientists of tomorrow, stimulating curiosity through the provision of knowledge and skills to prepare them for a wealth of exciting and rewarding career opportunities in science and related areas.

Students study a wide range of fundamental topics from Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Much of the work is accompanied by practical experiments, carried out in our specialist science laboratories.

Science is studied for 3 hours per week in Year 7, 8 and 9, 5 hours per week in Year 10 and six hours per week in Year 11.


We aim to create successful philosophers who are well-informed, engaged and reflective learners with an appreciation of the diversity of belief.

In lessons, students study several world religions and develop a deeper understanding of faith and belief.

Religious Education is studied for 1 hours per week in Year 7, 8 and 9, and 3 hours per week in Year 10 and 11 if chosen as an option.


We aim to create successful linguists who are able to communicate effectively with people from other countries and to understand their cultures, attitudes and customs, thereby developing the whole person as a global citizen.

In lessons students master the basics of both French and Spanish so that they can be fluent and confident communicators.

French is taught from Year 7 and Spanish from Year 8. Both are available at GCSE as an option.


We aim to create successful historians who believe in the importance of learning from human experiences.

At Key stage 3, students study from the Romans, through key events in British history including the wars of the Roses, the tudors and women’s rights, through to the 20th century.


We aim to create successful geographers who have an interest in and a sense of wonder about places and people at all levels, from the personal to the global.

At Key stage 3, students learn about local geography, other countries, energy production and the creative power of physical geographical events.


We aim to develop confident performers who can express themselves free of inhibitions. Students have the opportunity to perform, study well known plays and learn about a range of styles, key practitioners and influential playwrights whilst developing and building their core practical performance skills. Drama is taught from Year 8.


We aim to create innovative problem solvers who have well-developed logic and resilience skills. 

In computer science students will learn the fascinating inner workings of a computer and how to create computer code.  Students learn a range of different software and study PYTHON, one of the most widely used programming languages in the world.

Computer Science is taught from Year 7 onwards.


The course covers the preparation, cooking and serving of food. Students will make a wide range of dishes and will learn about healthy eating and the environmental cost of food production.

Food is taught from Year 7 onwards.


We aim to develop students’ environmental awareness and shape them into the next generation of designers and engineers.

Design and Technology is an exciting and creative course that will prepare students to participate confidently in an increasingly technological world. Students will gain awareness and learn from wider influences on Design and Technology including historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic factors. Students will get the opportunity to become creative and critical thinkers, develop skills in design and apply their practical expertise to make products that solve real and relevant problems.

DT is taught from Year 7 onwards.


We aim to create successful artists who can produce creative work and explore ideas, recording their own experiences.

In art lessons students learn skills relating to drawing, painting, printing, sculpture, photography and other media. They have opportunities to produce self portraits, watercolours, Egyptian art and coins and medals.

Art is taught weekly from Year 7 onwards.


We aim to foster a love of music which is enriching and enjoyable. In music lessons

Music is studied from Year 7 onwards and is available as a GCSE. In lessons, students learn key board skills, performing as part of a group, and how to compose and produce music for different reasons.


Life studies includes physical, social, health education and careers. Students learn how to become amazing people following 10 simple behaviours; how to manage their relationships and emotions and to understand how to forge their place in the world and life a healthy and contented life.

Life Studies is taught throughout key stage 3 and 4. There is no GCSE.


The PE Faculty aims to provide a fun, stimulating and varied curriculum that enables the opportunity to deliver a positive impact on pupil’s physical activity, mental health and wellbeing. We aim to foster passion for sport, encourage participation and to develop healthy active lifestyles through leadership, coaching and officiating.

PE is taught in every year from Year 7 to Year 11. Students study a range of sports and develop their personal fitness. PE is available as a BTEC at Key Stage 4, which leads onto BTEC level 3 at college. Our students have the opportunity to become sports leaders in Year 10; organising sports events and supporting younger children from Albany and our local primary schools.